Thursday 20 January 2011


The Architects are a metalcore band from England. The band was founded in 2004 and then released there first album in 2006, it was a surprisingly good one with some great heavy vocals and some clean vocals at times. It had some amazing tracks like "In The Desert". The follow up album titled "Ruin" was once again a bit of the same thing but it had some improvements threw out the album all together it was a pretty solid Cd. Then in 2008 the band did a 4 song EP with the band Dead Swans which was a pretty cool thing. The following year Architects would release my personal favorite album by them, titled "Hollow Crown" it had some great tunes with my two favorite songs "Follow The Water" and "Early Grave". The two songs both have a great rhythms and the way they stop and start with the heavy vocals and clean is pretty awesome. On this album the band really showed that they can make songs that are more clean vocals and then go from soft to heavy as they managed to do so well on another one of my personal favorite songs "Hollow Crown". The band has another album set to be released in early 2011 and i can't wait for it as long as its still really heavy and has that soft and clean touch at times.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Limp Bizkit

Limp Bizkit is a band that is a very big mix of rap and metal in which they are considered a rapcore band. The band started out with great music their first album " Three Dollar Bill Ya'll" coming out in 1997 had some amazing music on it with songs like "Stuck" or "Faith". The follow up album would be when Limp Bizkit became a well known band with the album featuring the bands most popular song " Break Stuff" and another great single "Nookie". Again continuing with the amazing music on the album "Hot Dog Flavored Water And The Chocolate Starfish". After touring for this album the bands original guitarist Wes Borland left the band. The group would continue to release a full length album that was pretty terrible besides 3 songs. Then following up that album the band would drop a 7 song EP in 2005 that was nothing to special also in 2005 they would release a "Greatest Hits" album. After that the band would take a hiatus. Then in 2009 the band would get all their original members back for a come back tour. And in 2010 they released a pretty awesome album, with the band going back to more of their old style music and coming out with some good songs like "Why Try" and " Shark Attack". Now we'll see how the band takes things now and maybe they will come out with another great album.


Saliva is a rock n' roll band that started in the mid ninety's. They're first album came out in 1997 it was nothing to special but it wasn't a terrible debut album. The band started getting a lot more popularity after their second album came out, it has there most commonly known song "Click Click Boom" and another great single "Superstar". After the band finally found their sound they started making some good music. It was a bit heavier then the early rock n' roll music but it wasn't so much heavy metal music witch made the band a bit unique in its own way. In 2002 they let out their 3rd full length album and it was a pretty decent one with a couple great songs and a great single titled "Always". Then in 2002 Saliva let out my personal favorite album "Survival Of The Sickest", its my favorite because its a mainly heavier album and a lot of songs are just fun to listen to with great songs like " "Rock n Rock Revolution", "Survival Of The Sickest" and "Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll". The follow up album wouldn't be a great album but still respectably a good one. And there newest Cd to date was a bit better then the previous one. Hopefully this band can come out with at least another couple albums before calling it quits.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Suicide Silence

Suicide Silence started out with two lead singers Mitch Lucker and Tanner Womack before releasing anything Tanner was fired from the band, after Mitch becoming the only lead vocalist the band released two demo's before finally letting out an EP in 2005. It was a self titled EP with 5 pretty decent song with "Distorted Thoughts Of Addiction" being my favorite song. In 2007 the band dropped their full length album and it was insanely good with great heavy guitars and amazing vocals, Mitch Lucker is probably one of my favorite vocalist ever. Their best song of the album " The Cleansing" would probably be " Unanswered" and "The Price Of Beauty". There follow up album and only other one is titled " No Time To Bleed" its mostly about how you have no time to waist you have no time to sit there and bleed. This album is pretty much equally good if not better then the first, the only thing is that the drums are not as good. Other then that the vocals are still amazing and the guitarist are still pretty good. Like the music video for the single "Wake Up" because its meant to be like an acid trip and its a pretty amazing song as well. The band is set to release another album in 2011 I hope that they still keep the good music coming and don't sell out.


Hatebreed was founded in the early ninety's, they have 5 studio albums and 1 EP. They Ep was released in 1997 and the follow up album was released the after touring for the EP. I never really liked both of these albums, their not terrible but I never really listened to them. The next album would be when i really started to like this band in 2002 the band dropped the CD "Perseverance" it had some great tunes such as "I Will Be Heard" and "Smash Your Enemies". Ever since that album I have loved Hatebreed they have came out with a lot of amazing music over the years with singles such as "Now Is The Time","Destroy Everything" and off their latest album " Ashes Shall Reap". I like this band because the vocals a very different they're like a clean but still very heavy vocals at the same time. They also have some pretty good drums, there music can get you really pumped up. Almost all of their songs are about self empowerment. To me this band is probably one of the most original and one of the greatest metal bands out their because even in today's terrible music they still managed to change there sound up a little bit but still using a lot of there old style and as long as they keep on doing that they will always be a great band.

All That Remains

The group was formed in late ninety's they have 5 studio albums. All of which are pretty good but some being betters then others. The first came out in 2002 it had some pretty decent songs such as "Erase" and "Follow". This album would be the only one with all original members of the band. The follow up album titled "This Darkened Heart" would be a bit better then the debut album. This bet set them self's from other band because the lead singer could go from heavy vocals to clean vocals which sounded really good and on there third and my personal favorite they mix the different types of vocals really well. The albums called "The Falls Of Ideals" and it has all of my favorite songs from this band on it such as "This Calling", "Six" and "The Air That I Breath". This was what really got me into this band and then again in 2008 they let another pretty solid album out, they had some pretty good singles on it my favorite being "Two Weeks" and it has a very odd music video that doesn't really make sense. Again in 2010 ten the band dropped yet another good album doing a little bit more clean vocals then usual but still good. As long as they keep coming out with good music I'll keep listening to this band.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


Snot was a created by lead singer Lynn Strait. Lynn was an amazing vocalist he could go to soft vocals to heavy vocals to a bit of rapping. He sang very well and in my opinion one of the most talented singers of all time. In 1997 the band dropped their first album called " Get Some" pretty much every song on the album was amazing a couple of their best were "Snot" and "I Jus' Lie" along with the single "Stoopid". After the release the band went on to tour to get some popularity. The following year the band started working on another album but was never finished due to lead singer Lynn getting into a car accident and dying along with his boxer dog. His dog was also the cover of their first and only record. The band never recorded again since Lynn had no vocals done for the new album yet. A few years later the rest of the band decided to have Lynn's friends do the vocals as a type of tribute album, for what was supposed to be their second record. The record was done with lead vocalist of Korn, Slipknot, Coal Chamber, System Of A Down, Hed PE and many a few others. The tribute album came out pretty well I like most of the tracks on it. My personal favorite were "Requiem" and "Take It Back". I really wished the band didn't lose the lead singer and kept making music because they made some pretty unreal tunes.


The band was put together in the early ninety's. There has a been an on going battle between Slipknot and Mushroomhead since the early years about who started the whole wearing the masks idea the two groups decided to just drop it. After going threw many line up changes Mushroomhead let out their first album it was self titled it had some pretty decent songs such as " 43" and " Mommy ". The band was a bit different then most groups because they had two singers Jeffrey Nothing as the lighter and cleaner vocals and Jmann as the heavier vocals with a kind of rap built into it. Jmann's vocals were pretty awesome to me and with the mix of Jeffrey's clean vocals and the heavy to soft music made by the rest of the band it was very cool and sounded amazing. Over the next 6 years the band produced four more albums with on going line up changes with only the keyboards, bass and vocals staying the same they managed to make some pretty amazing music with songs like "These Filthy Hands", " Kill Tomorrow" and their most commonly known song " Solitaire Unraveling". Then in 2004 vocalist Jmann decided to leave to take care of his father and was replaced by Waylon who is a very good vocalist but in my opinion he doesn't compare to Jmann and after he left the band started to suck. The band has made two albums with the new singer the first titled "Savior Sorrow" it was a pretty good album but nothing compared to the previews stuff and then in 2010 the band released another album called "Beautiful Story's For Ugly Children" it has about 3 pretty good songs the rest are just alright. I don't really have that much interest in the band anymore unless they come out with a new amazing album anytime soon.

Monday 3 January 2011

Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson is a shock rock band that started in the early 90's. The band was at first called Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids and eventually dropped it to just Marilyn Manson, was locally popular for creepy and weird live performances. The band finally put together an album which was released in 1994 it was titled "Portrait Of An American Family" it had a lot a good music on it with singles like "Lunchbox" and "Get Your Gun". Over the course of 6 years and 3 more records Manson kept the great music coming with some very odd live performances mostly doing them all half naked and with a lot of make up. I like him as an artist because he is different and he is probably the most lyrically genius artist he questions peoples morals and flips their values around trying to show people the other side of things. This often lead parent to believe that he was a bad influence on kids. To me he is just trying to get people to do what they believe in and stop following what everyone else is doing. And then in 2000 bestfriend of Manson and guitarist Twiggy Remirez quit pursuing other interests. The band let another album out 3 years after the departure of guitarist and it was a pretty great album a lot of heavy songs and a couple lighter ones. Some great songs on the album were "Saint" and "Ka Boom Ka Boom". Finally after that record this is were the band started to suck a little because they went a lot softer since Manson was going threw a tough time with divorce and other personal issues the next two records " Eat Me Drink Me" released in 2007 was just alright and then " High End Of Low" released in 2010 with the return of bestfriend Twiggy was better then the previews album but not anything like the old music. The band is now doing another new album set to be out in 2011 it is supposed to be a lot heavier and more like the older style Marilyn Manson i will be very happy.